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You should delete your browser cookies before buying airline tickets - Ticket fares go up when you’ve visited a site multiple times.

When. You. Read. Stuff. Like. This. The. Voice. In. Your. Head. Takes. Pauses.

The key to happiness and success: Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people.

Once you begin to dislike someone, everything they do tends to annoy you.

If the earth didn’t have the moon, our days would only be 6-8 hours long and there would be between 1,100-1,400 days in a year.

People who are exposed to bright light early in the morning tend to be more alert throughout the day.

The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.

Psychologically, one of the most devastating things in life is when someone you care about gives up on you.

Brad Pitt is related to Barack Obama. They are ninth cousins.

Great minds discuss ideas - small minds discuss people.

'You really love him/her, don't you?' It's a psychological question, no name was mentioned but still, someone came into your mind!

When a male honey bee climaxes during sex, his testicles explode and he dies

2024/06/14 17:14:52
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